Jéssica Serra Algueró (Ingles)

Jéssica Serra Algueró

Jéssica Serra Algueró is a collaborator of AQUIT LEGAL and co-leads, together with Josep Maria Llull, the International Law Department.

Jéssica Serra has a degree in Law from the International University of Barcelona (UIC), and is a member of the Barcelona Bar Association since 2009.

As for her professional experience as a lawyer, she has advised international clients with interests in Spain.

 Has owned for four years a business in the world of retail.

Although she was born in Barcelona, we should highlight her education in an international environment, allowing her to comfortably treat with different cultures, with diversity, and deal well with constant changes in the environment.

This has also provided her with an open mind to the world, which facilitates her understanding of the needs of the customers. Her stays for long periods of time in the United States, Brazil, and Portugal have contributed to this as well.

Her premise is that there is always a way to do better.