

AQUIT LEGAL is a law firm that was founded in 2003 by the partners Josep Maria Llull and Ignacio Roca-Umbert, who after their substantial experience in large International firms, decided to establish their own law office in Barcelona with the purpose of offering legal assistance on both a national and international level.

In the time following its establishment, our legal advisory services centered on specialized consultation to businesses—particularly in the areas of commercial contracts, corporate law, and real estate law.

It was shortly afterward when AQUIT LEGAL began to expand its services to individuals in family and succession matters.

Furthermore, the firm has recently established an international department structured around different “Desks,” with the aim of facilitating communication and consultation to our foreign clients as well as local citizens with interests abroad.

Our firm currently has 10 lawyers and consultants specialized in diverse practice areas and with connections to an extensive network. Our team is comprised of professionals from different countries (United States, France, Italy, etc.).