U.S. Desk

Aquit Legal created the U.S. Desk as a result of the increasing business transactions between Spain and the U.S. The office has qualified lawyers who either worked at reputable American firms or who are licensed attorneys from the U.S. The expanding bridge between Spain and the United States has generated the need to analyze both countries’ laws and adequately guide clients on how to proceed with their legal issues. The U.S. Desk provides support and advice to Americans investing in Spain and to Spanish entrepreneurs investing in the U.S.
The firm’s U.S. Desk continues to expand its legal services, but the most noteworthy include the following:
- Drafting contracts for cross-border transactions
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Business incorporations in either country
- Joint Ventures
- Real estate transactions for either country
- Powers of attorney
- Legalization of documents
- Debt collections
- Testaments for either country
- Distribution of inheritance in either country
- Adoptions and Surrogacy issues